Brako Malibu, 115 €, I think I would kill for these. They are pretty versatile as well. They just call for a late Bustle-Dress in bordeaux-black design with lace, velvet bows and black pearls. >> drool.

Hush Puppies Divinity Black, 115€, on a higher heel, perfectly black leather with organza lacing. Well combined, cries for a bustle as well.

Neat, without heel for sophisticated city-hiking. Underground England Broughe Boot, 299 €.
A nice boot, with a kind of industrial feel to it, but without being too pushy by Donna Girl, 60€. And affordable too!
Vagabond Cathy, 99€. They remind me, that I wanted Timbaland quite a few times, but somehow I always wanted a darker color.
Would be a nice match in a sportive 1930-Outfit like the one on the left: (Actually, i had another in mind, but couldn't find it.)
Same goes for this one: Bronx Gang, 99 € Simply beautiful, universal shoes.
These are just neat in style. Even if I would prefer the heel to be a wee bit slimmer. Billi Bi 2253, 185 €
I've never been a great fan of Dr. Martens, but these Lotti 8 Eye just kick it off. 135 €
Now that's how I think makes singin' in the rain work! Killah Yuri 79€.
Neat. But I actually wouldn't buy them. Thrifting would be ok though. ;) Marc O'Polo 07MW8741. 169€.
A Cream Mantelet with a fantail skirt from 1877 would be quite fitting, I guess.
Hm. Pretty undecided. Could work well with Shiro-, Kuro- or in general with Gothic-Lolita. (Shiro= all white, Kuro= all black) Dr. Martens 1B99 Mods, 119 €.
Well, if you combine these shoes to a Kuro style, I think it's not Kuro-Lolita anymore, eh.
Something is quite cool about these, but something definitely is not. I think what's bothering me, is the way it is eyed. They're too wide for my taste. And with a black organza lacing this would be a whole another story. Lola Ramona Molly, 199 €.
Well, when I saw these the first time this morning I was like UGH, who would want to wear THOSE... but now I'm not so sure. I think a very ruffled Bustle-Dress would make a nice combo, but I couldn't imagine those with modern or vintage style in another way. Can you? Chie Mihara Atenea, 359 €.
Well... we won't have to argue about these shoes. They're awefully ugly. Have always been. I've seen these Converse-Heels about 8 years ago (for the first time..), and ever since, there were people who penetrate your eyesight with this... accident. It's always the same. If you think a certain trend is over, it comes back and punches you in the face. And it hurts. Diesel, shame on you! 139 €.
Were climbing down the ladder to painfullness. If you're not a creepy german rocker-hag, with a voice like you would try to breed another species living with lung-cancer and ugly-frizzy blond-greyish hair with no treatment whatsoever, you're not allowed to wear these. Bronx, 149 €. (I'm trying to provide as few information as possible)
Actually, I've been thinking quite some minutes now, what to write here. This is painful. These-shoes-are-ugly. They really are. I think it's possible that this shoe is quite comfy, but.. what is the desire to wear these? I mean, if you take the design-aspect. There are people who wear this. Actually I cant believe it. Maybe it works with a certain boho style? But.. well, I don't know. I'd like to know, how you can make this work. Camel Active Soho, 99€.

I really like your blog. Nice work! ;D