ok. there are carpets, and carpets.
but to make a fashion-trend about it... which I observed for quite a while now in the web. well. it depends.
these shoes for example are remarkably striking. and even if you don't like the carpet, there's still something about those shoes.
I wonder how a woman would look in a carpet-suit. i think we'll have the pleasure of seeing that soon somewhere, i suppose.

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but to make a fashion-trend about it... which I observed for quite a while now in the web. well. it depends.
these shoes for example are remarkably striking. and even if you don't like the carpet, there's still something about those shoes.
I wonder how a woman would look in a carpet-suit. i think we'll have the pleasure of seeing that soon somewhere, i suppose.
there's something different about the RTW spring collection 2012 by maison martin margiela. i prefer my carpet to stay under my feet and in some cases this collection has managed to do so, too.

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Not to sure of the carpet boots but MMM just rocks!